The changing face of war: Reconsideration, national narrative and World War II — Australian Historical Association annual conference hosted by The Australian National University

The changing face of war: Reconsideration, national narrative and World War II (119)

David Stahel 1 , Oleg Beyda 1 , Mark Edele
  1. The University of New South Wales, Canberra, ACT, Australia

Hitler's famous halt order (issued 18 December 1941) is typically considered the end of the German army's use of Auftragstaktik (a command method stressing decentralized initiative within an overall strategic framework). Surprisingly, Hitler's order is also commonly credited as being the saviour of Army Group Centre in the winter period. Yet more comprehensive analysis of divisional, corps and army files reveals that all manner of subversion was at work to avoid, reject or ignore Hitler's order. Such findings reflect the independence of the German army and the endurance, rather than the end, of Auftragstaktik.
