(Double tap a session to add to favourites)
Digital History Drop-In with Tim Sherratt
Heads of History meeting
Copyright Agency Bursary Workshop
Australian and New Zealand Society of the History of Medicine National Council Meeting
Australian and New Zealand Society of the History of Medicine (ANZSHM)
AHA Executive Committee meeting
Conference Welcome
Presidential Address: Lynette Russell
Chair: Joy Damousi
Welcome Reception
Pregnancy and Parenthood
Australian and New Zealand Society of the History of Medicine (ANZSHM)
Chair: Madonna Grehan
Public Health
Australian and New Zealand Society of the History of Medicine (ANZSHM)
Chair: Charmaine Robson
Biography and Memory
Australian and New Zealand Society of the History of Medicine (ANZSHM)
Chair: James Dunk
Mental Health
Australian and New Zealand Society of the History of Medicine (ANZSHM)
Chair: James Dunk
Disease and Solution
Australian and New Zealand Society of the History of Medicine (ANZSHM)
Chair: Judith Bonzol
Education, Discovery and Recruitment
Australian and New Zealand Society of the History of Medicine (ANZSHM)
Chair: Kate Davison
Faith and Healing
Australian and New Zealand Society of the History of Medicine (ANZSHM)
Lessons of War
Australian and New Zealand Society of the History of Medicine (ANZSHM)
Chair: Sarah Ferber
Centring Dja Dja Wurrung Voices and Countering the Colonial

Chair: Thomas Rogers
Concepts of Scale in Historical Interpretation

Chair: Andrew Bonnell
Cultures of Eating and Drinking in Australia and the Asia-Pacific, c. 1880-1960

Chair: Julie McIntyre
Linked Worlds: Colonial Histories and Indigenous Sovereignty in Global and Comparative Perspective

Chair: Shino Konishi
Russian Migration to Australia: Mid-Century

Chair: Mark Edele
Scales of Socialism: From Utopias to Universities by way of the Unearthly

Chair: Frank Bongiorno
Science and History, ANU and the World

Chair: Libby Robin
Biographies of Scientists

Chair: Martin Thomas
Domestic Labour and Valuing Women

Chair: Kiera Lindsey
Education Policy and the Teaching of History

Chair: Tamson Pietsch
Grassroots Politics in Australia and the US

Chair: Ben Huf
Local and Transnational Histories

Chair: Blake Singley
Political and Diplomatic Networks

Chair: Stephen Foster
Public Policy and Politics in Australia

Chair: Nicholas Brown
The Making of the Australian Commonwealth

Chair: Lisa Ford
Women and the Professions in the 20th Century

Chair: Carol CORLESS
Women's Autonomy and Legitimacy

Chair: Kirsten McKenzie
Local Identity and Imperial Hegemony

Chair: Sheila Fitzpatrick
Local Histories: Cultural and Biographical

Chair: Penny Russell
Space History

Chair: Darren Holden
World War 1 War Culture
The scale of war history in Australia and the world
Chair: Amanda Laugesen
Second World War Eastern Front
The scale of war history in Australia and the world
Chair: Samantha Owen
War and Memory
The scale of war history in Australia and the world
Chair: Georgina Fitzpatrick
Mythbusting: Australians on the Western Front
The scale of war history in Australia and the world
Chair: John Connor
The Region: South and South-East Asia
The scale of war history in Australia and the world
Chair: Darren Mitchell
Around the World in 1968
1968 – 50 Years On
Chair: Guy Hansen
1968: Czechoslovakia and Australia
1968 – 50 Years On
Chair: Jon Piccini
Creating Spiritual Communities
Religious History Association
Chair: Gemma Betros
Shaping and Re-Shaping Religious Worlds
Religious History Association
Chair: Laura Rademaker
Materiality and Belief 1: Textiles and Clothing
Religious History Association
Chair: Julie Hotchin
1968: Changing Times exhibition
1968 – 50 Years On
Chair: Ben Mercer
Writing a national history on a global scale: a preliminary evaluation of A.G. Hopkins American Empire (2018)

Chair: Tim Rowse
Plenary Panel: The Right Scale for Our Times

Chair: Ann McGrath
Rescaling the Australian Dictionary of Biography

Chair: Samuel Furphy
Understorey - the campaigns to protect the south-east forests
'Green Stream’
Chair: Tom Griffiths
Overworked and Underemployed: Casualisation in Academic History in Australia

Chair: Margaret Hutchison
The Spectrum of Indigenous Mobility

Chair: Billy Griffiths
Religious History Association Keynote: Katherine Butler Schofield
Religious History Association
Chair: Constant Mews
Aboriginal History book launch
Chair: Peter Read
Discussion Group: Diversity and Inclusion
Chair: Melanie Burkett
AHA-Copyright Agency ECR Fellowship Workshop
History Australia editorial board meeting
Understorey social event
Book launch: Thomas Rogers
ECR social event at Fellows Bar
Postgraduate student social event at Hopscotch
ANZSHM Annual General Meeting
Abortion Provision and Family Planning

Chair: Shirleene Robinson
Interpreting and Making Collections Accessible
History and the national cultural collections (GLAM)
Chair: Louise Douglas
Visual Arts Collections: Histories and Case Studies
History and the national cultural collections (GLAM)
Chair: Anne-Marie Condé
Settlement and Environment
'Green Stream’
Chair: rachel goldlust
Environmental Consciousness
'Green Stream’
Chair: David Harris
Indigenous Environmental Knowledge
'Green Stream’
Chair: Imogen Wegman
Saltwater Histories
'Green Stream’
Chair: Cheryl Glowrey
Lacunas, Liminal Zones and Limitations: Historical Craft & Biographical Method

Chair: Kate Fullagar
Remembering and Representing Rights

Chair: Nadia Rhook
New Analyses of Pre-Modern Worlds

Chair: Joan Stivala
Biographies of Prominent and Ambitious Women

Chair: Amanda Harris
Digital History and Collective Biography

Chair: Karen Fox
Diplomatic Histories: Australia, China, and Japan

Chair: Tomoko Akami
Histories of Protection

Chair: Kat Ellinghaus
Truth, Reconciliation and Anti-Slavery

Chair: Malcolm Allbrook
Frontier Massacres

Chair: Amy Thomas
Strikes and Lockouts

Chair: Diane Kirkby
War and Post-war Crises

Chair: Tristan Moss
Capitalists and Workers

Chair: Bernard Attard
Ideology, War and Terror

Chair: Peter Read
Marrying History

Chair: Charlotte Greenhalgh
Memorialisation and Affective Heritage

Chair: Eureka Henrich
Totalitarianism and Nationalism in China and Japan

Chair: Tomoko Akami
Historiography and Scale: Big, Deep, and Micro-histories

Chair: Ann McGrath
The Global and the Intimate: Humanitarianism, Peacekeeping and Genocide

Chair: Anne Rees
Knowledge Cultures: China, and the Malay Peninsula

Chair: Tiger Zhifu Li
Revolutions, Treaties and Statecraft

Chair: Sarah Dunstan
Economic Ideas and Policy
Exploring the economic past
Chair: Claire Wright
Enterprise and Efficiency
Exploring the economic past
Chair: Nicholas Brown
Prisoners of War and Post-war Justice
The scale of war history in Australia and the world
Chair: Richard Trembath
Colonial Warfare in New Zealand and New South Wales
The scale of war history in Australia and the world
Chair: Margaret Hutchison
The Interwar Period
The scale of war history in Australia and the world
Chair: Jaclyn Hopkins
World War II and Contemporary War Culture
The scale of war history in Australia and the world
Chair: Rosalie Triolo
The Soldiers’ Experience
The scale of war history in Australia and the world
Chair: Anthony Condon
Buildings, Sacred Space and Worship
Religious History Association
Chair: Glen O'Brien
Materiality and Belief 2: Mediating Spiritual Change
Religious History Association
Chair: Katharine Massam
Knowledges of the Deep Human Past

Chair: Lynette Russell
Discovering history at scale through Trove

Chair: Hilary Berthon
Museums and the Anthropocene
History and the national cultural collections (GLAM)
Chair: Andrea Gaynor
Podcasting and public scholarship

Chair: Martin Thomas
Keynote: Mark McKenna

Chair: Nicholas Brown
RHA Breakfast at Temporada
Religious History Association
Book launch: Jane Lydon and Lyndall Ryan
Launch: Australian Migrant History Network
Forum: Australian Studies Institute (ANU)
Book launch: Joy Damousi and Patricia O’Brien (eds)
Film Screening: Sweet County
Book launch: Dunera Lives – A Visual History
Creating Exhibitions
History and the national cultural collections (GLAM)
Chair: Charlotte Craw
Urban Water: Landscapes, Infrastructures, Bodies
'Green Stream’
Chair: Heather Goodall
Colonial and Trans-imperial Environmental Histories
'Green Stream’
Chair: James Dunk
Animals in History
'Green Stream’
Chair: Andrea Gaynor
Home on the Land
'Green Stream’
Chair: Mikael Pierre
The Anthropocene and Planetary Health
'Green Stream’
Chair: Julie McIntyre
Conservation Sensibilities
'Green Stream’
Chair: Emily O'Gorman
A Big History of an Intimate Subject: Historicising Domestic Violence

Chair: Michelle Arrow
Japan in the Cold War / The Cold War in Japan

Chair: Tomoko Akami
Convicts, Soldiers and Settlers

Chair: Kathryn Wells
The Scale of Biography for Indigenous History

Chair: Tom Griffiths
Mining, Mining Technology and the Environment

Chair: Robin McLachlan
Mining, Miners and Mining Society

Chair: Kenneth McQueen
Intimacy, Risk, and Reflection

Chair: Noah Riseman
Biography and Race

Chair: Alexandra Roginski
Epistolary Windows on the Past

Chair: Helen Bones
Frontiers and Frontlines: The Emotional Labour of Letters

Chair: Bruce Scates
Indigenous Biographies

Chair: Malcolm Allbrook
Modern Histories of Representation and Self-determination

Chair: Aileen Walsh
Exchange and Dispossession

Chair: Sianan Healy
Colonial and Imperial Histories

Chair: Alexis Bergantz
Decolonising Asia

Chair: Mark Jones
Nationalism and Decolonisation

Chair: Andonis Piperoglou
Legal Histories of Race and Whiteness

Chair: Jonathan Sale
National Narratives and Settler Colonialism

Chair: Ben Silverstein
Memorials, Commemoration and National Identity

Chair: Benjamin Jones
Microhistory and Biography: Colonial Australia

Chair: Samuel Furphy
Oceanic Connections

Chair: Hilary Howes
Remembering ANZAC

Chair: Rebecca Fleming
Searching for Personal Connections in the Built Environment

Chair: Nicholas Brown
The Power of Popular Culture

Chair: Blake Singley
Sexuality and Military Service

Chair: Noah Riseman
Politics, Gender and Emotions

Chair: Martin Crotty
Sports History 1
Australian Society for Sports History (ASSH)
Chair: Marie-Louise McDermott
Sports History 2
Australian Society for Sports History (ASSH)
Chair: Roy Hay
Sports History 3
Australian Society for Sports History (ASSH)
Chair: Bruce Coe
Land and Colonisation
Exploring the economic past
Chair: Miesje de Vogel
Trade and Transnational Networks
Exploring the economic past
Chair: romain fathi
The Future of Migration History in Australia

Chair: Joy Damousi
Keynote: Clare Anderson

Chair: Angela Woollacott
Practical Advice for the Non-Academic Job Search

Chair: Melanie Burkett
Dunera Lives: A Visual History

Chair: Bill Gammage
Humanities and Social Sciences Data Enhanced Virtual Laboratory

Chair: Alexis Tindall
What Is International History Now?

Chair: Glenda Sluga
Object Lessons: Australian Journey - The Story of a Nation in Twelve Objects

Chair: Rae Frances
Sweet Country and history

Chair: Martin Thomas
Book launch: Clare Anderson (ed)
Open Forum: AHA Conference
Chair: Lynette Russell
Book launch: Lyndon Megarrity
AHA Annual General Meeting
Conference Dinner
Inquiring into Empire from Sentence to Globe

Chair: Benjamin Jones
National Belonging and Individual Lives

Chair: Alexandra Dellios
The North in the National Imagination: Disparities of Scale

Chair: David Carment
Gender, Class and Domesticity

Chair: Lyndall Ryan
Carceral Histories

Chair: Charlotte Macdonald
Community Networks and Institutions in Australia

Chair: Guy Hansen
Life Writing and Textual Fragments

Chair: Brad Buller
Colonial Rule in Papua New Guinea

Chair: Patricia O'Brien
Tourism Advertising and Radio

Chair: James Findlay
Specimens and Artefacts

Chair: William Scates Frances
Keynote: Mary D. Lewis

Chair: Gemma Betros
Animals Count
'Green Stream’
Chair: Libby Robin